Primal-Attention: Self-attention through Asymmetric Kernel SVD in Primal Representation

NeurIPS 2023


An illustration of Primal-Attention and canonical self-attention. Left: in canonical self-attention, the asymmetric attention matrix K can be induced by two feature maps \phi_q, \phi_k through kernel trick from RKBS. The values v(X) serve as the dual variables projecting the kernel matrix K to the attention output. The time and space complexity are \mathcal{O}(N^2d_v) and \mathcal{O}(N^2+N d_v). Right: in our Primal-Attention, we use the two feature maps \phi_q, \phi_k in the primal to present the attention outputs, which are projected through the primal variables W_{e|X}, W_{r|X}. The time and space complexity are \mathcal{O}(Nps) and \mathcal{O}(2Np+2ps). To align with the output size in the canonical self-attention, we add a linear map mapping from 2s to d_v with negligible memory increase after Primal-Attention’s output.

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Recently, a new line of works has emerged to understand and improve self-attention in Transformers by treating it as a kernel machine. However, existing works apply the methods for symmetric kernels to the asymmetric self-attention, resulting in a nontrivial gap between the analytical understanding and numerical implementation. In this paper, we provide a new perspective to represent and optimize self-attention through asymmetric Kernel Singular Value Decomposition (KSVD), which is also motivated by the low-rank property of self-attention normally observed in deep layers. Through asymmetric KSVD, i) a primal-dual representation of self-attention is formulated, where the optimization objective is cast to maximize the projection variances in the attention outputs; ii) a novel attention mechanism, i.e., Primal-Attention, is proposed via the primal representation of KSVD, avoiding explicit computation of the kernel matrix in the dual; iii) with KKT conditions, we prove that the stationary solution to the KSVD optimization in Primal-Attention yields a zero-value objective. In this manner, KSVD optimization can be implemented by simply minimizing a regularization loss, so that low-rank property is promoted without extra decomposition. Numerical experiments show state-of-the-art performance of our Primal-Attention with improved efficiency. Moreover, we demonstrate that the deployed KSVD optimization regularizes Primal-Attention with a sharper singular value decay than that of the canonical self-attention, further verifying the great potential of our method. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that provides a primal-dual representation for the asymmetric kernel in self-attention and successfully applies it to modeling and optimization.


Canonical self-attention is with asymmetric kernel

Let \{\mathbf{x}_i\in\mathbb{R}^d\}_{i=1}^N be the input data sequence. In self-attention, the queries, keys and values output the linear projections of the input sequence:
q(\mathbf{x}_i) = W_q \mathbf{x}_i,
    k(\mathbf{x}_i) = W_k \mathbf{x}_i,
    v(\mathbf{x}_i) = W_v \mathbf{x}_i.
The canonical self-attention is with "softmax" activation applied for bringing non-linearity and positives, yielding the attention weights:
\kappa (\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j)= \text{softmax} \left( \left< W_q \mathbf{x}_i, W_k \mathbf{x}_j\right> / \sqrt{d_k} \right), \quad i,j=1,\ldots,N,
where \kappa(\cdot,\cdot):\mathbb{R}^d\times\mathbb{R}^d\mapsto \mathbb{R} serves as the kernel function. Notice that in general, \left< W_q \mathbf{x}_i, W_k \mathbf{x}_j\right> \neq \left< W_q \mathbf{x}_j, W_k \mathbf{x}_i\right>, leading to an asymmeyric kernel where .

Primal-dual representation of self-attention based on KSVD

Canonical self-attention can be represented by the dual representation of the kernel SVD (KSVD) problem, while our method is based on the primal representation. Please refer to Section 3 in the paper for more details.

Remark 3.3 (Primal-dual representations of KSVD in self-attention). In the KSVD formulations for the asymmetric kernel matrix in self-attention, with KKT conditions, the projection scores can be either represented in the primal using explicit feature maps or in the dual using kernel functions:


We derive a novel attention mechanism by leveraging the primal representation of KSVD, namely, Primal-Attention, where two explicit feature maps are adopted. To fully exploit the asymmetry in the kernel matrix of self-attention, Primal-Attention concatenates the two sets of projections using both left and right singular vectors, and thus formulates the attention outputs as follows:
In Primal-Attention, the projection weights in the primal play the role as the counterparts of the values in the dual. Our Primal-Attention flow is detailed in the bottom part of the teaser image.


Please refer to our paper for more experiments.

Spectrum analysis of the self-attention matrix on ImageNet-1K


(a)-(c) Plot the cumulative explained variance regarding the singular values of the attention matrix with mean and standard deviation of the chosen layers in pre-trained DeiT-Small/16 and Primal.+DeiT-Small/16 (ours): the attention matrix attains sharper singular value decays in deeper layers, also shown in (d). Note that we also plot the cumulative explained variance curves of the self-attention matrix from the last layer, i.e., the 11-th layer denoted by “L[11]”, of both models in (c). Our method shows an enhanced low-rank property of the attention matrix upon the baseline.













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            title={Primal-Attention: Self-attention through Asymmetric Kernel SVD in Primal Representation},
            author={Chen, Yingyi and Tao, Qinghua and Tonin, Francesco and Suykens, Johan AK},
            journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},


This work is jointly supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program/ERC Advanced Grant E-DUALITY (787960), iBOF project Tensor Tools for Taming the Curse (3E221427), Research Council KU Leuven: Optimization framework for deep kernel machines C14/18/068, KU Leuven Grant CoE PFV/10/002, The Research Foundation–Flanders (FWO) projects: GOA4917N (Deep Restricted kernel Machines: Methods and Foundations), Ph.D./Postdoctoral grant, the Flemish Government (AI Research Program), EU H2020 ICT-48 Network TAILOR (Foundations of Trustworthy AI-Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization), Leuven.AI Institute.

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